First Step is a Doozy

The first Step is a DoozyBy, Nan Claire Falkner

When we rented the apartment, we thought it was perfect. We were excited about his offer of $1,000 off the first month’s rent.

The ad read: “Beautiful second story apartment w/remodeled kitchen and bathroom – Two bedrooms, 1 bath – Air conditioned with second exit.” The only thing I thought was queer about the walk-through was his deliberate diversion so we couldn’t look out back. He said: “We’re putting up a new deck – almost finished.”

Just before moving in, we read a newspaper story titled “First Step is a Doozy” about the previous renter in heavy traction in the hospital.

57 thoughts on “First Step is a Doozy

    • Dear Joy, I think this could be a “come along” from the landlord. My sister rented a house when her husband got out of college. The first night there, – in the middle of the night – the cover for the ceiling vent fell off right onto her nose and she had to go get stitches. The landlord, at first, was going to charge them for the damage (as the grate fell on Ann’s face and then on to the floor. Needless to say, when the ER doctor told them they could sue the landlord – he changed his tune. You can’t even see the scar. Nan

    • Thanks Alicia for stopping by. Here in America, we are the sue capital of the world! If you do anything that might be dangerous to someone – you can bet you will be sued. So, I think this person who rented this apartment out lives on a distant planet. Nan

  1. I love you title. In fact, that was the first thing I thought of when I saw the photo Wednesday morning, but couldn’t figure a way to weave it into my story.
    Another thought I had was, if they were having a garage sale up there–Connie would find a way to get in and probably buy a 400 lb. dresser for us to load up and haul home. 🙂

  2. I never read any Friday Fictioneers until I’ve written mine… we almost have the same title!! I like your take on it… 😉

    • Dear Amy – you are absolutely right. I bet they have poor lighting in the kitchen (I think that’s the kitchen door to the back. I could be wrong though! Thanks, Nan 🙂

  3. Dear Nan,

    Marketers (and writers) can turn a sow’s ear into a silk purse. Loved you take on the prompt. I bet this happens all the time in towns all over the world.



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