Red Woof Inn

Red Woof Inn
By, Nan Claire Falkner

Get ready, get set, GO!

4 black labs took off likety split headed for the red dome.

Each year, the Marsh families had a race and whoever’s dog came in last, had to buy the beer for the next years race. Roly’s owner had won 4 years straight. Fred was tired of buying the beer and really wanted the first prize this year a Brand New Neon Yellow Tennis Ball for his dog, Willie.

Folks said it was pretty low down what he did to win though, he tied his girlfriends foo-foo dog that was in heat, under the dome.

57 thoughts on “Red Woof Inn

  1. Dear Nan,

    Unless the other dogs were all female, I’m surprised the race didn’t end in a dead heat. 😉 I love your title. Cute story…I give it two paws up.



  2. i bet the female dog was just as surprised as the girlfriend seeing the dogs charging down the bridge…poor things. 😛 – enjoyable story, Nan.

    • Thanks Sun for reading. I didn’t think about that, but that would be a little scary thinking you were about to be attacked by a mob of dogs that would lick you to death. Nan

  3. A clever doggy version of staking the virgin to the post as a sacrifice to the dragon. I hope St George came along and rescued her. And the way it reads, it’s the DOG who loses that buys the beer, not its owner. But maybe that’s what you intended! You captured well an aspect of human nature here. Ann

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